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(0 Unsourced Conversions: (Not included on this report)
After letting the campaign build its quality score it is now converting. The campaign has been implemented and we have seen some progress. Average position is no longer being used by Google. Patrick McFarlane - Marketing Executive
Keyword / Key Phrase | Conversions | Conversion Rate | Clicks | Impressions | Average Position |
Keyword / Key Phrase | Conversions | Conversion Rate | Clicks | Impressions | Average Position |
London Searches | 5 | 0.04 | 108 | 1910 | - |
- | - | - | - | ||
- | - | - | - | ||
1910 | |||||
Keyword / Phrase is the actual search term we are targeting on the search engine. Conversions are the number of desired actions recorded (if possible) such as contact form being used or phone number being clicked. Conversion rate is the % of people who click on the advert that make a conversion action. Clicks are the number that have clicked on the adverts. Impression is the total number of viewers who have seen the advert. Average Position shows it's average page position on the page.
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